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Need a unsecured loan!

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scalesmartin | 16:12 Tue 19th Sep 2006 | Business & Finance
7 Answers
I need a unsecured loan for �6200, i have a very bad credit history and i've tried credit brokers and got ripped off, can anyone suggest a company that i can goto?


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Freedom Finance are about as reputable as you can get in this arena and will consider your past credit problems.
i could reccomend my broker, im sure he'll find you a deal.- not sure if im allowed to reccomend on this notcie board - but shout if it will help..
Hydrogoose i would be interested in your broker. How do i get in touch?
you can get the contact details from

good luck
Question Author
thank you guys, ill give them a try,
p.s - dont go with "Advantage Loans" "Walker& Hammond"
they are scammers
Thanks again
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Need a unsecured loan!

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