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Ev 1660 Help Please

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quinol | 18:23 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

Well i've got the 'border dispute' and border solved, living here a help, the bone of contention usually half-baked and nasty, but need help with a few clues:

23d first nip of gin spikes candles (6) -l----

6d barge spanish footballer (5) --r-a

36a assailant to supplant arcadia? (8) -esn---- (may have ketter wroing here)

hope that'll do it, but may have to come back for the substitutions



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23 Glace, G(in)+Laces, spikes.6 Barca - a barge and a Spanish team, (Barcelona). I think the clue was probably footballers. plural.36 Besetter, assailant and someone who'd hope to replace Arcadia, be (the) setter!
18:26 Mon 16th Sep 2024

23 Glace, G(in)+Laces, spikes.

6 Barca - a barge and a Spanish team, (Barcelona). I think the clue was probably footballers. plural.

36 Besetter, assailant and someone who'd hope to replace Arcadia, be (the) setter!

23...Glaces, sorry.

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Many thanks Neveracrossword

I’ve finished but stumped on the 10 letters to describe the border. I have one answer but not convinced it’s right . Can you give me a hint please.

Jadzia, the border has two words of equal length, one's horizontal, the other isn't....

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Hello quinol,

would it be possible to let us know where you live, as I am having trouble with the end game



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in the sunny south west, known for its culinary delights

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Ev 1660 Help Please

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