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Is It Possible

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Untitled | 08:23 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Editor's Blog
18 Answers

To request amendments to the swear filter?



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Yes.  Email the editor.

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do they reply?

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if anyone is curious... you will find that a single word meaning something that is damned by God is counted as a swearword!!

Don't ask me.  I'm not them.  But if you want something changed they're the only people who can do it.

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do you often hear from them by e-mail naomi?  

I can't think of a word that's damned by God.


Yup. I got it changed, so that a link to the website of Southwest Water (for example) wouldn't automatically get deleted. (The filter saw the conjunction of 't' and 'wat', within the URL, as being offensive).

The late, and much missed, Sqad got 'bloody' taken off the list of naughty words when he found that he was unable to use it in a medical context. 

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a word meaning "damned by god..." in fact a word that gets rid of the "by" and makes the two remaining words one 

I think 'sod' is another that's been taken off the list:

The answer then lies somewhere between 'yes' and '*** knows'.

Oh right.  You can ask.

So that *** of a filtering rule has been removed?

Obviously not🥱

Oh right.  You can ask.

yes I thought of that - you can ask but expecting a rational response or action is Quite a Different Thing

anyone askinng for a mod filter?

no effing way!

My posts on Scunthorpe united seem ok.

as are mine on weightwatchers

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