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Harris Has Got A Shooter.......and She Ain't Afraid To Use It.....

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ToraToraTora | 08:26 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

What do we think people? I assume she'd normally invite the intruder in for a nice cup of organic peace coffee but now she has to attract any wavering republicans........



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a democrat in 2024 is approximately a republican in 2010 with a few fringe exceptions... that is how far politics has shifted to the right in the USA. not surprised at all.

What's the figures I saw - average 3 guns per household but 1/2 don't have guns, so that's 6 guns per household that have them.

Bit of a waste if you're not prepared to use them...

40,000 dead - but 22,000 were suicides so that's ok🙄

what do we think - it is lawful in some states to shoot trespassers in your home

I bet she was thinking of Nancy Pelosi and HER home invasion

quite peter. and the january 6 attack. 

40,000 dead - but 22,000 were suicides so that's ok

reviewed in the New England Journal a few weeks back. 22k were mainly men ( of course) and mature ( over fifty). Shot gun deaths in 12-15 y olds overtook death from RTA, but has fallen back

and really had nothing to say to us, - 22 / 208 firearm murders in the last year

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