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Lisa Nandy On Bbc Breakfast.....

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ToraToraTora | 08:32 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
10 Answers

Asked bout 2TK's freebies....

"..people want to see their government well turned out and attending public events.." - right oh!



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I wonder who Michael Foot got his freebies from - Wimpey?🤣

He's the King of Freebies but it's all in the public's best interests. Apparently.

Michael Foot...... that reader refers to MF ( Feet brothers were all red hot marxists) 1981 (!) turning up to the Nov 11 memorial day in a donkey jacket

Around that time, someone had spotted Wilson PM 1964-70) with a darn in a suit pocker

free well-cut clothes whilst pensioners freeze - someone is gonna mention Marie Antoinette innit?

was this the prog where the interviewed said - why did Laws go within 10 d in Cameron's admin?

expenses - I had to look it up - paying rent to his partner ( hem hem) and passing on the exp to Parliament

Many pensioners wont be able to afford cake or bread for that matter.

I'm sure Lisa Mandy is inwardly fuming that she has to defend this.

What people dont realise this government is ill prepared to govern, as was the last because for years the EU made the laws and our parlimtarians nodded them through.

^^^ and anything that was in our remit they opposed whether it was good or bad.

Total amateurs.

As far as I can make out, it doesn't seem to be clothes at all. It seems to be money sent with the excuse that it was to buy clothes with. Or do I have that wrong ? I was surprised any sane person would be spending thousands on clothes, but if that was just an excuse then it made more sense.

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