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Everybody Enjoying Their Weekend?

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douglas9401 | 15:00 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

You could be forgiven for thinking that the end of the working week unleashes venom, vindictiveness and vavavoom on Answerbank after five days at the (alleged) grindstone.

Right, I'll let you get back to pretending you know what you're chuntering on abaht.☺

Try not to bite your own tongues when gnashing those teeth.



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I'm having an okay weekend, thanks. Just got back from little ride up the funicular, a walk around the market and a drinky poos (well, two actually) in a couple of picturesque beer gardens. I cannot complain and I won't be gnashing 😊

Well, I've just finished a bit of tidying up in the garden: trim the lawn edges; sweep up a few leaves; that sort of thing. I can't honestly say that it was "enjoyable", but it was necessary, and so I'm enjoying looking at the Answer Bank, with a gin and tonic in my hand.

Surely "days at the coalface" & "noses to the grindstone"?

Thankfully a happy(?) memory.🙄


Not really.

But thanks for enquiring.

Yes thank you jobs at home all done, now lounging on sofa playing Royal Kingdom on phone popping into AB now and again Big Bang theory on tv.. waiting for United to kick off at 5:30, how are you Douglas?

Question Author

Top hole and ticketyboo thanks Arksided.

My big task for the weekend is not to forget the anniversary card for tomorrow.

Watched a 3 hour Kojak I hadn't seen before. Won a bit of money on the snooker. Thunder & lightning, bucketting with rain. Normal Saturday really.😀

The cold snap went away a few days ago. Absolutely beautiful day here, just been sitting out in the garden with tea. Temperature 26°. An alcoholic beverage would be desirable, but a wee bit to early at 4:30 pm.

A bit more work and then back out again with a beer at 6:00

Just collected Mrs JtH from the train-station after a fortnight of being allowed to proceed on my own recognisance. 

Looked at my pressies, made her a 'proper cuppa', fed her and now waiting for the jet-lag to kick in.

I think I have been rather well-behaved on here, under the circumstances.😇

Relaxing after a (shared) bottle of very decent red and a good quality bought-in Lasagne.  Have more or less sussed how this holiday cottage works - it's hi-tech (wouldn't have booked it if we'd known) and it's been pretty stressful; but now confident we have it tamed.  Looking forward to a good sleep in a very good-quality bed and then planning a few days out.  :)

I got off to a very bad start - thought it was Friday so paid bus fare into town at 8:30 this morning*.





*Snr bus pass valid after 9.30 weekday, 24 hours Sat and Sun.

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