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Gap In Race Card At Newmarket

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Maydup | 13:42 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Sport
12 Answers

I'm booked for racing at Newmarket on Thursday. (£12 in advance, £23 on the gate ๐Ÿ˜ฒ)

I know it's a bit early but just looking ahead at the card for timings and wondering why the hour plus gap between races? Any ideas from our horse racing experts on here?



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ย The spacing between races is 35 minutes and logically there would be a 2.45 (between 2.10 and 3.20). Maybe a non-rules race of some kind. Racecourse gallops are usually held before or after racing.P.s. definitely not an expert!ย 
14:25 Sun 22nd Sep 2024

looks normal to me 30 to 45 between most races, bigger gap before the 3:20 presumably there is something else happening at the course between the 2:10 and the 3:20, 7 races in total. Looks pretty standard.

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It's the gap between 2.10 and 3.20 that I was wondering about. Very unusual.

Afternoon tea perhaps, or some sort of meal break anyway - late lunch?

14:15 they probably have some other event going on at that time.


The spacing between races is 35 minutes and logically there would be a 2.45 (between 2.10 and 3.20). Maybe a non-rules race of some kind. Racecourse gallops are usually held before or after racing.

P.s. definitely not an expert!


Could be anything for example I once went to the races and they had a falconry demo between a couple of races. On another they had a feature with the modern equivalent of the light brigade charging up and down with their swords out! It's nothing unusual.

I'm really intrigued now - I hope someone finds out what it is and posts ๐Ÿ˜.

Ken'll know.....

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Most likely a non rules race I agree. Definitely nothing "fun" like tea or a display, which might go on in the family enclosure but very little interrupts racing at Newmarket. 

... let us know when you get back!

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I will, and I'll take it all back if it's a camel race! ๐Ÿซ

Same on Saturday 28th, gap between 14:25 and 15:40

11th October, gap between 14:25 and 15:35

Not so unusual, then.  Could it be anything to do with the televising of the races?

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