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Anyone Feel Sorry For Them ?

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
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The Super Rich have made fortunes in the UK and now they are fleeing the UK for their Tax Havens.According to a "Migration Consultancy" which helps the rich shuffle their fortunes around to avoid paying tax.9,500 millionares will leave the UK this year because of The new Labour Government chasing them for tax. Well done Sir Keir.



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johny - these super-rich have more money than they know what to do with except keep counting it. What they don't like is people taking it off them and will go to any lengths to stop that.
12:36 Sat 21st Sep 2024
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10.17 Johnny......😃The Untouchables😃

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A lot of this money that is moved out of the Country to tax havens comes back into the UK via donations to the political party of the UK  Tax Dodgers choice.

Everybody should do all in their power by legitimate means to minimise the amount of taxes they pay.


Having an ISA is tax avoidance.

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11.43 I'm Sure HMRC is after bigger fish than a legal ISA, with the Super Rich.

@11.57.Hey Lewis Hamilton,gulliver is speaking to you.

i doubt very much that high net worth individuals are actually going to move their assets out of the UK in any significant numbers. they always say they will whenever the government doesn't do exactly what they want but i'll believe it when i see it.

Lewis Hamilton, Untitled?

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