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Has Anyone Experience Of Using A Stroller/Walking Frame?

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sandyRoe | 08:30 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

If you're taking some of your weight on the arms does that ease pressure on hips/back?



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It's not so much taking weight on your arms Sandy, more so keeping upright and maintaining balance.

If your pain is on one side, have you tried a walking stick?  If it is the right height and you use it on your 'good' side it can provide a lot of relief and help you walk easier.   

It always amused me that "House" - the doctor/detective seemed to use his walking stick on his "bad" side.

//If you ever watched House MD, you may have noticed how awkwardly Dr. House walked with his cane. That's because it was the wrong height for him, and he was holding it in the wrong hand.//

And apparently he was a doctor!!

I'll never watch an American medical show again!!

Thanks for the heads up Dave

probably arrogance in not seeking the advice of a good physiotherapist...

Yes, you would expect to use a stick to take weight off thebad side when walking but it doesn't work that way. My right knee became arthritic so I acquired a stick and tried to use it that way; it just doesn't work. For a start you can't move your left leg and left arm forward at the same time; it has to be left leg and right arm. You also need the stick a little shorter so that you can lean over on to your good side when standing on your bad side. I've never watched "House" but I've seen other actors getting it wrong.

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Thanks for the comments.

It's probably wouldn't be much help.


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Has Anyone Experience Of Using A Stroller/Walking Frame?

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