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Wow There Are Still Some Sensible Parents Left......

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ToraToraTora | 09:59 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

When I was a kid if you went home and told your parents you'd got into trouble with a teacher/police etc you'd get a slap from them too. It was also quite common for parents to march their kids up to the cop shop. Good on them.



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Yeah saw that.

I just hope it wasn't all an act.

Growing up I never saw or heard of neighbourhood parents hitting their kids. I was never hit.

I was impressed too

I was Dave and sent upstairs to fetch the stick to hit me with to give to my mother.  Whacked across my bare bottom while leaning over a stool.  Pretending I couldn't find the stick just made things worse.

Growing up I never saw or heard of neighbourhood parents hitting their kids. I was never hit.

and look how  he turned out....

Parents, teachers, strangers, neighbours all had a go at us ( Darzett aaaargh - at times oo - ar !)

Fanny Fall - the nutter of Knutsford - used to  drag the eight year olds across the school floor by their hair

we had Connie - get in the little room you stuppid duffer! also used to lock small kids in cupboards

teachers ( eb) used to kick the kids regularly

Did we learn anything ? well we learnt that schools may not be edifices of learning

In the 60s my brother, a young teen, was late home from school.

Why are you late home?

Been in detention!

What were you doing to get a detention?


What should you have been doing?

That's a supportive parent, of the child and the school.

Thank you all for your sympathy. XXX

Corporal punishment was rife at my school. Administered by cane, slipper, hand, foot, board rubber, etc.

Look what it's done to me !

Shocking ladtbirder, you have my total sympathy.

I think where I lived the parents were too tired after a day working in the mill to give their young'uns a good thrashing!

Live & let live.

I've never laid a hand on mine, I just wish I could say the same for my parents. Their abuse was shocking and cruel. I never see or speak to either of them.

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