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Rich Holiday Poor Holiday

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smurfchops | 17:32 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

Bit of a spoiler in here in case you didn’t watch it last night..

I felt sorry for the ‘poor’ family, probably expecting a nice warm holiday on a beach,  somewhere like The Caribbean.  They went to freezing cold snowy Norway and had to hike up a mountain to their treehouse-like hotel.  The worst thing was having to eat a sheep’s head complete with eyes and teeth.  Absolutely revolting and uncalled for in my opinion.  What do you think, did you see it ?   



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thing is the truly rich could buzz off somewhere else if their original choice wasn't what they wanted

Reminds me of the time I went into a local butcher shop and asked the man behind the counter if he had a sheeps head.


"No", he said, "it's just the way I part my hair".

Didn't see it, but sheeps head (smalahove) is a traditional dish in parts of Norway.

Often served with mashed swedes. Considering the constant p-taking between Norway and Sweden, that makes the Norwegians cackle  ðŸ˜‹

Leave the eyes in - it's got to see us through the week🤣

I had pig's cheek in Spain - was just bone, no meat, talk about cheek!

Why is it uncalled for? Some people actually go to foreign climes for adventures and something different.

Maybe the rich family wouldn't have eaten the eyeballs either. 😂

Didn't see it...but I'd prefer cold, snowy Norway to the Caribbean any time. (Been to Siberia in midwinter twice on holiday...much better than baking in the heat.)

Where did the rich family go?

Suckling pig is a real disappointment.  Mostly bones and very salty.

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Rich Holiday Poor Holiday

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