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Much As I Hate To Admit It . . ..

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Buenchico | 21:57 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

. . . (because I'm from Suffolk), there appears to plenty of common sense prevailing just up the road from here, in Norfolk:

Well done those magistrates!

🐢 πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ 



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NFN πŸ˜€

I actually saw an XL bully puppy the other day! I asked the owner how old it was, and he said just 11 months! It was a huge baby and very sloppy!!

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I knew a woman, Canary42, who swore that she'd seen 'NFN' actually written on her medical notes πŸ˜Š


They're generally as soppy as it's possible to be, Piggy!


normal for Norfolk

Doctors' notes were notorious and now discouraged ... NOONG not one of nature's gentlemen; BBSS big boobs see soon

Normal for Norfolk  Smow

It is wrong to penalise a whole breed of dog due to the actions of a few dogs.

But I wouldn't have a dog of the bully breeds or the most vicious of all - a Chihuahua.  Many of them are badly bred and potential timebombs.

I love big dogs, German Shepherds or a Bullmastiff would be perfect.




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Yappy little Yorkshire Terriers aren't much better than Chihuahuas in my opinion, Wolfie!

I love big dogs too.

I'd happily have a Tibetan Mastiff in my life but
(a) my cats wouldn't like it ; and 
(b) with prices close to £1m each for some of them, neither would my bank manager!

One that size ...your cats might have to just lump it Chris !! ☺️ They're just gorgeous, but the grooming 🫒πŸ€ͺ

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^^^ Easy peasy, Steff!

If my circunstaces allowed a dog, I would prefer a bigger one (like the labrador we had when I was a kid).  

I can't stand little yappers, my neighbours have two dachunds and they yap away in the garden all the time. 

I think Tibetan Mastiff would be a step (100 steps!) too far, although some friends of mine have a St Bernard and it's a lovely dog. 

//This legislation wrongly punishes dogs for the way they look and distracts from the real causes of aggressive behaviour: the way in which they’re bred and the experiences they have in life.//

Blame the owners and breeders, not the pooches.

It's the "rectums" that treat, train and breed these dogs badly that create an animal that's apparently dangerous. 

//Well done those magistrates!//

I hope they'll be taking sackcloth and ashes if one of those dogs kills someone.

And if it's a different breed of dog Davebro?

What would your opinion be then, "ban all dog breeds"

1ozzy - get off my friggin case will you!

There are dog breeds that are unsuitable to be kept as pets, rules have been put in place regarding these particularly dangerous breeds but it only takes one slip up for a tragedy to occur.

//It's the "rectums" that treat, train and breed these dogs badly that create an animal that's apparently dangerous. //

They aren't "apparently" dangerous they are bloody well dangerous! As has become "apparent" on numerous occasions.

Been on a long riverbank walk with this close friend of mine at 7:30 this morning;

When did you last hear of a labrador, spaniel, collie, savaging someone to death ?


Just asking for a friend.

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