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A Rare Sight.....

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10ClarionSt | 16:59 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

.....while driving in North London last week. I saw a car with a Andorra number plate. Just sayin'. Once in Florida, I saw a car with an Alaskan number plate. A rare sight!



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Might have been people on business, or maybe just having a bit of an adventure!

While sat in car park of Tesco in Newbury back in 2010'ish I saw a car with a California number plate.

I said to wife 'Wow look at that'....'why?' ....'It's a car with a Californian number plate'.....'oh'...

I think it was a car imported for a someone on a US airbase.

When I worked in Zug Switzerland I saw a BMW with a Moscow number plate.

As it was a tax haven and many Russian billionaires had property there then not too much of a surprise.

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A Rare Sight.....

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