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Lets Have An Investment Summit....but Ban The Richest Man In The World!

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ToraToraTora | 10:14 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
55 Answers

Yep it's good old spiteful Labour. Why is he banned? For posting this:

"I don’t think anyone should go to the UK when they’re releasing convicted pedophiles in order to imprison people for social media posts"

Absolutely bang on, Labour don't like common sense do they?



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untitled: "tora also said the statement was "absolutely bang on" and repeated it as fact later. it seems as though he was simply lying. " - once again the left indicate their lack of literacy. When will they learn what a lie is?

Did he say he wouldn't put his battery factory in England because of Brexit?

Could have provided thousands of well paid jobs for working people.

Times today - Electric car production falls by 25%

( ay am not sure of the validity of that statement)

SedleyL J on free speech deserves an outing

'Free speech includes not only the inoffensive, but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to promote violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having,' Lord Justice Sedley said.

I have cut his lordships statement off before he says " except Rule 16 which I think is very good indeed"

i think that you wrote something which was false and knew it was false when you wrote it

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rubbish, I will substantiate it when someone get's gulliver to substantiate anything. Deal?


Indeed, for it to be a lie, Musk has to print it on the side of a bus.

"rubbish, I will substantiate it when someone get's gulliver to substantiate anything"

like i said- two sides of the same coin you two

ok tora... now that we have established that there's no evidence any paedophiles were released early to make space for rioters... do you still stand by what you wrote at 10:25?

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I haven't checked all the crimes of all those released, have you? At least one of them reoffended within hours.

TORATORATOTORA, in my capacity as a Mod,


How sad.

No or Yes Clone. There is a fantasy current that mods are split brain preparations

one half: cuddly playful, not officious, non-judgmental

and the other half - judgemental, subjective, given to pressing "delete", bad tempered, rash etc etc

You may judge for yourself

PP at 13.55

your ignorant Uncle George is so ignorant or confused that he's now confusing you! It was William IV who died in 1837?





that was meant to be a full stop, not a question mark.

Seems to me that the goverment is cutting off their nose to spite their face,think of the jobs if he said he would build his factory here.

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Lets Have An Investment Summit....but Ban The Richest Man In The World!

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