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Ovary Ultrasound

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JinnyJoan | 11:21 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
24 Answers

I have to get one of these next week and am dreading it.  With my having fibromyalgia - the thought of indepth pushing fills me with dread.  I do think I am not getting the vaginal thingy cos I asked the hospital - they did say no -  and if they do produce this probe the width of a walking stick - that aint going in either.  Doctor last week mentioned Ach I done all all your bloods but would like the"ovary blood" tested.  Never heard tell of it.  Then you keep River Niagara in your stomach for them to press it out again.  That's all I can say.  



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Jinny They don't press that hard. Don't worry too much. You can always ask them to go slowly or stop if you are uncomfortable

JJ, have you had a cervical smear test at all?

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no - first smear test was done by female GP many years ago - she pushed and pushed and pushed and gave up - she sat me down and told me I am going to give you a sanitary towel - I said "why" - ach she said I ripped you.  so never again 

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oops - I looked tonight and whilst I still have swelled ankles - the belly looks like an apron belly - also I am a little apprehensive - whilst I have to swallow Niagara Falls - when they push down on me - I will pee the life of me.  But I will bring extra knickers

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Ovary Ultrasound

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