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How Is This Islamophobic?.....It's What Happened.

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ToraToraTora | 18:37 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
10 Answers

How can it possibly be any sort of "..ophobic" merely to remind people of what happened?



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Its not

As racist as 'see it, say it, sorted' I suppose.

Depends where one is looking when speaking we think.

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It's a public service, we should be reminded what these savages want to do to us.

It's hard to comment without knowing the detail of what was said. The article just says " Underneath it was information that referred to terror attacks". Was it just factual? Or was it implying all/most Muslims supported the terror attacks? The devil may be in the detail.

Whose facts though?

Question Author

the facts in the news doug, you know like on 7/7 etc

It doesn't say what the information that referred to terror attacks was. How things are put may or may not be phobic.


But a cracked system would be investigated anyway.

What was the message? - if you don't know what it said TTT you are going off half-cocked!

It's not Islamophobic. The same way the slightest criticism of Israel's role in the current war is not antisemitic.


Without knowing what was said the question can't be answered.

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How Is This Islamophobic?.....It's What Happened.

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