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Boris Nails His Colours To The Mast

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Khandro | 15:09 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | News
54 Answers

To the detractors of Boris Johnson I ask; Could any former British PM other than Churchill himself (Thatcher would concur, but she couldn't write.) produce such a clear and unequivocal article ?



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Well done Tora, you've taken a thread praising Boris and completely derailed it. Gully would be so proud.

the clash of personality cults... what could be more pathetic?

Nope he derailed his own thread by dropping in a pointless dig at TGL.

she's dead tora it isn't going to bother her

Given it would be against NATO rules and immediately bring many nations into a war then one would hope no one would be advocating enroling Ukraine yet. Or even writing such an article, which I'll admit haven't read yet, but shall do.

untitled go to the top of news, one of your heroes is dead.

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^^ If that's at me TTT it wasn't a 'dig' it was a statement of fact - I also said she would agree that Johnson was a better writer by far. 

Seems he was doing ok with the article (apart from the heading) until he reached his high risk suggestion. (That put it on a par with sending troops into the Netherlands in order to release Covid vaccine hostages.)

10:01 it's not a statement of fact, she CAN write.

How can someone who cannot write, write 17 books?

Stick to the topic of Boris Johnson or I will be deleting irrelevant posts.

Enough of Mrs Thatcher.   Please stay on topic.

Sorry Corby, cross-posted.

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