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Shameless Boris Says He Made A Mistake Apologising For Partygate.

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gulliver1 | 11:02 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
51 Answers

Boris says the scandal from partygate was the downfall of him and the Cons. His apology was the beginning of the end of his days as PM. Now Defiant Johnson, rather than feeling a sense  of remorse claims his mistake was to Apologise for Partygate. I was just trying to defuse public anger with pathetic apologies even though I knew nothing about what I was apologising for. And the band played believe it if you like🤣



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It was a stitch up in Westminster. The Tories would have fared better to stick with Boris - he still had a lot of support in the country. Instead they went through stupid leadership selection procedures which further divided & weakened the party.

and it seems they are currently repeating the process!

Of course they should have stuck with Boris.  When the country went to the polls in 2019 did the Tories really think all those Labour voters suddenly changed their politics?  Not on your nelly!  They voted for Boris.  His downfall was in getting Brexit done - something that  the majority of his party - and the rest - didn't want at all.  They'd have been very happy to say to hell with democracy and to hell with the will of the people.  He wasn't.

The Privileges Committee consisting in the main of people who hated him

o god we are not going to have a go at " he cannot be judged because there is no one fit to judge him" and must go free ?

His downfall was in getting Brexit done - something that  the majority of his party - and the rest - didn't want at all. 

o god this thread has degenerated into the usual AB nonsense. He ( Boris, BoJo, Boris the liar) was voted to get Brexit done - along with the Boris BS, and the smoke and mirrors

and the rest, ( prescient for a change) didnt want it at all, because they knew what a disaster it wd all turn out to be

and so it has

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Boris was not at  fault ..The people who voted him into power were.

Boris was an idle tasser - so not his fault is a bit hollow

I the mods ( bless them all!) have stared slapping you around on length of time to elect a new buffoon

As my mate Phil explains, besides the Partygate apology thing – the mad man seriously wanted the UK to start a war with the Netherlands.

Heaven help us if he ever gets into power again.


Now that the majority realise Brexit was a mistake – to hell with democracy.

It's no surprise to see Hymie shoehorn Brexit into this

///... to hell with democracy.///

A democratic vote was held and the will of the majority, of those who voted, was enacted. I would say that was democracy in action.

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