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Scottish Place Names Quiz

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Mak34 | 18:39 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

Panic with sodium - minus a blood group?



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Great Panic - Great without A blood type?

Where does the, "great" come from?



well done Foxes123.

I'm lost still

there was a film called "the great panic". Great,  minus the A, plus Na (sodium) as an anagram = Gretna.

Hmmm, not impressed...

it might not be the right answer, but I think it's a good offer.

Question Author

I managed to decipher the clue!  I will leave it open to see if anyone else can get it ... all guesses wrong so far.

What's the answer?

Nairn ?

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Scottish Place Names Quiz

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