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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 5 And Final Results

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seekeerz | 01:49 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers

Good morning everyone - it's been a rather wild and woolly weekend weather wise, we could have used a lot more rain - and a lot less wind- but at least I still have some flowers left on my lovely Wisteria and the bees are still flocking to it 🐝🐝🐝🐝

Things weren't so lucky in the Links dept -

Brown Paper

Horse Radish

Glass Blower

Mass Market

Lots of Bonus points were handed out - JOHNNIE.5 for Horse Radish, ANGLER57 for Glass Blower and TWIX123 for Mass Market while six of us (including me) were quite content with Brown Paper.

on that happy note, I'll chuff off and type the results ....I will return ..




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The final Leaderboard ..and the 👑 goes to Haras2 who has held the top spot virtually from week one -

10 points- haras2

7 points - Lady Jo

5 points - Doof45, jobjockey, Patsy33 and weecalf.

4 points - anikomo, and twix123.

3 points - johnnie.5, jollyroger66, Mozz71 and wildfish/angler57

2 points - Candice Marie, Chiefpanda, cliffyg, CricDram, elliemay1, JJ109, Lysander, Muzz, Sam1960, and teacher1.

1 point - Andres, Arksided, cashier, Fibonacci, Glarus, Mrs Glarus, Reenie, MargoTester, mallyh, modeste, sadielady, seekeerz, SharonA, tearinghair, toaster and Canary42.

And that winds up the month - Congratulations to all the points scorers for yet another 'tricky' game, and next week sees the start of a new one ...

Till then, take care and stay safe, Cheers Steff 😘😘

Getting to be a habit with me - cleaning and munching hob-nobs!  Work done, I will now read the book entitled "How to win at KM Links" and that's not about golf. 🏌️‍♀️ Have a good week, Steff x

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The K M Links Game - September 2024 Week 5 And Final Results

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