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Drinking Two Pints Of Water

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JinnyJoan | 21:26 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

for my scan - anyway what is 2 pints in litres - thanks - I did look it up but it something like 1.74 - now I can't work the .74 Thanks for any answers  I bought the bottles but they come in one litre.



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2 pints in only 1.14 litres.

Roughly litre plus 1/8th of a litre.

One litre is probably enough but I'd have 1 litre plus a cupful.



A liter is 1 and 3/4 pints, so will probably be enough. The exact quantity isn't critical so, as nma suggests, add an extra cupful if you're worried.

"Two and a quarter pounds of jam weigh about a kilogram."

"A litre of water's  pint and three-quarters"

a pint is 568 mls so two pints is around 1000 mls or a one li, if you are bad at multiplyinng

.74 is three quarters as near as damnit.

If you have kitchen scales, two pint is 2.5lb or 1,137g.

No doubt you have received a similar letter to the one i have received for my scan tomorrow, JJ. It says that an hour before my scan, i am to drink "1 litre (2 pints) of water or juice" to present a full bladder for trhe scan. That would imply that 1 litre = 2 pints, when, as we have alrrady seen, it does not.

All i can say is that they had better not have me sat in the waiting room for too long with a full bladder - they might just need an umbrella.

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