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One In Ten People Have No Friends ...

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naomi24 | 12:49 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
46 Answers

... according to a new poll.  Two thirds of adults want to make more and a quarter are lonely.   Younger people have more friends.  A fifth of adults say they suffer from social anxiety and find small talk difficult.  Do you recognise yourself in that lot?



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I mean apart from AB - something specific that you might be interested in.

13.23 thanks! A thousand people polled out of 69 million. Well it dont prove much to me I'm afraid.

Ha ha very funny Naomi. You know I spent most of my time on here back in the day, but nearly all the ones I got on well with either left with a grievance or passed away.

I still look in most days though and join in anything that interests me.


This thread has cleared up a couple of things for me and cemented my position at the same time.

Naomi, sent that before I saw your post @ 13.37.

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If the content here fails your exacting standards, nicebloke1,  you have the option to drop out of this little bit of natter and nonsense.

Just to add this is the only forum I've ever wanted to belong to.

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I was thinking of something more specific, Barsel.  For example I wonder if there are any book club type forums you could join?

Sorry to hear aout the knee Barsel, the fear of a fall is inhibitting, I've taken a couple of tumbles, both on grass fortunately so no damage done.   I do have a dodgy heart and sometimes worry about this when I'm out, but so far four different meds keep me going.

Some at that's the way to stagnation, Barsel.

Free your mind and yourself by making a break for the border while you still can.

Going to be one mod per civilian here soon. 😁

It's an old saying but you are lucky if you can count your real friends on the fingers of one hand. I laugh when people say I have 100s of friends in twitface etc.  Well see how many will come and pick you up in the middle of the night in a thunderstorm!

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I would go along with that assessment, TTT.

Naomi, I don't read books or watch TV in my living room.

I'm on my computer most of the day and watch any TV programmes on there that I find interesting.

Keep on taking the tablets Canary. Take care and look after yourself.

Would that be the Scottish border I should head for?

TTT..... and how many will come to your funeral?

I've changed my arrangements for my funeral where there isn't one if you know what I mean. I know I won't know about it 'cos I'll be dead, but I wouldn't want to have a poor turn out.

Would that be the Scottish border I should head for?

That was for Doug.

barsel: "TTT..... and how many will come to your funeral?" - if that's a dig spell it out.

I like to think I have friends here on AB.  If I discovered they were AI bots I'd be devastated.

Since retiring almost 5 years ago, I've lost contact with people. One lady has moved, another lost her husband and stopped answering emails. Another younger woman who works has very unsociable hours. I saw her last summer and we left off she'd contact me as she was going away for several weeks. She didn't. Next I bumped into her in a shop one day when I had bad back pain. Neither of us said anything about meeting up. I've often just let friendships lapse...bad, I know. Finally I have another friend who I have lunch with...usually during term breaks. She's a very busy retiree who does a lot of volunteering. I'm really not all that sociable, I understand social I often feel desperately lonely. I don't tell anyone about it either...I don't want my daughter or brother worrying. I used to make frequent trips into town to just be around people, but my uncomfortable knees stop me. And I've become so lazy. So only 1 or 2 trips out. It will be worse come winter.

So I go on some other forums and have faceless conversations. 

We are all your friends Sandy.  Well most of us I'm sure.

I only have a handful of friends, some I dont speak to physically for long perids of time but I know they would be there if I needed them and I sure they know the reverse.

And no one will be at my funeral - not having one.

//I used to make frequent trips into town to just be around peopl//

I cant think of anything worse, I hate people and Town here is becoming too dangerous.

I don't drive youngmafbog, so I don't have too much choice where to go. My town is OK in fact probably safer than 15-20 years ago.

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