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Cardigans - Love Them Or Loathe Them?

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naomi24 | 13:23 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

Someone on television was ridiculed for wearing a cardigan and that got me thinking.  I like cardigans - on they provide a speedy warm up - off they provide a speedy cool down - so what's wrong with cardigans?



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jeremy Corbyn wears one 

Nothing. They're a great idea..

They are deemed old fashioned and not 'hip'.

Personally I love a cardigan, and have multiples, I really like long ones and often wear them instead of jackets.

I've always preferred a cardigan to a jumper.  Thinking about it, I can't recall when I last wore a jumper & I'm fairly certain any I could dig out would be so old, they wouldn't fit now.

I've just put a long one on, on top of t-shirt, as I felt chilly. No doubt, knowing me, I'll suddenly warm up and take it off again! Less faff than a jumper.

I'm not sure, but they seem to have a reputation as being for old people (including young ones who dress oldly).  I've no idea why. What was the nature of the ridicule ?

...Don't forget pockets, who doesn't love extra pockets?

Well , Val Doonican thought they were hip 

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That's exactly what I do, Patsy.  On over short sleeves - and then off again when I'm too warm.

I associate cardigans with my grandparents, elderly aunties and old schoolteachers. I do have a couple of cardies, but I prefer my woollen hoody.

I always used to wear cardigans during the colder weather but now i wear jumpers. It wasn't a conscious decision to ditch the cardies - it just sort of happened. Now i have about a dozen jumpers - 7 of which were bought for me and carry some sort of BFC insignia.

I'm wearing one now😊

Love long cardigans which are great over a blouse or tee shirt. Often wear instead of a jacket or coat.  Like jumpers too, just depends on the occasion.


When I was last in the market for a Woolly (I'm a jumper person at present) I noticed what I can only describe as hybrids - i.e. jumpers with a short stretch of zip-up at the top.


P.S. When did "jumper' replace "pullover" which is what they were called when I was a kid.

I have loads of cardigans of varying lengths and colours. As well as providing a touch of warmth and comfort when desired I think a nice cardigan completes an outfit too and is a nice and less formal alternative to a blazer / jacket.

I like them, but haven't owned one for decades.

Probably a regional thing Canary. I had family members who referred to them as pullovers, and others referred to them as jumpers. I suspect most switched randomly.

Yes, I'm a cardigan fan.

I like fleece gilets, too!

I have posh fine knit cardigans bought to go with specific outfits. 

I have warm chunky knit cardigans for winter.

I have long cardigans which get occasional wear.

And I have a couple of OHs cast off cardigans which I love, they're old, warm and snuggly (a bit like him), think Starsky and Hutch.

I think you get to an age where you couldn't care less if you are fashionable or not, as long as you're warm.

Really? I'm not in my first flush by any means but I still like to look smart as well as comfortable.

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