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Probate Related Question.

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notnutnut | 01:01 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Law
2 Answers

Good morning all, it's been a while since I was here last. I am the nominated executor of my mothers' will and the sole beneficiary. I haven't made the probate application as yet but will very shortly. I've lived here almost all my life since my parents bought to property. Am I legally entitled to prevent entry of my siblings onto the premises from now until probate is granted and title is transfered to myself please.



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You are the executor and responsible for protecting the estate and assets until probate.  

You have the right to change the locks if you believe you need to in order to carry out your role as executor.

Easy for me to say but I guess you are expecting trouble from the family. Not so easy to deal with on a personal level.

I suggest you make copies of the Will and keep them handy to show whoever might need to see it if you are expecting trouble.

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