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Good Morning Late Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:39 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Spent most of night with bad headache(which I still have), finally dozed off about 6 am. So body clock all out of sync at the mo...

Have got a doctors appointment this afternoon which I've been waiting 2 weeks for, to discuss several things,and  just hope I don't get fobbed off as usual. Because seeing someone is all well and good if they actually do anything, or even listen! Last time I saw a doctor they ordered blood tests asap. Great. Did they ever ring  me up with those results? No. Message me? No. Cud I see they were in on the NHS app? Yes. Made no sense to anyone apart from a doctor- I then had to spend another 2 weeks ringing and leaving messages for someone to even explain them!

Anyway, MrSmow got home lastnight after another trip away. I have something I want to discuss with him but don't want to cause a row, which it probably will..... but it's niggling away at I will do a separate post to explain,and probably get told how daft I'm being but I know you all well enough now to take the criticisms with the positives.....

Hope you're all going to have a good day x



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Good Morning Smow .. you sound troubled and it's not a good sign for someone  usually so upbeat - hope your doctor listens to your complaints and acts upon them (I am lucky to have a very good GP) - do you explain about your insomnia as this is can be a sign of underlying disease (though obviously not in all cases)?  I can only guess at the Mr. Smow problem but best to clear the air.  Keep smiling. x

morning Smow - I went to my doctors about two weeks ago and he insisted I get an Ovary ultrasound.  Within one week and a half I received the appointment for the hospital which was yesterday and the young lad gave me a right going over - he asked did I have womb and ovaries, gall bladder, kidneys, everything.  The hardest part LOL was holding two pints of water in my bladder.

As I was waiting in the waiting room another lady came out and she said she had been sent out cos she hadn't drunk enough water so she had to start all over again bless her.  We got talking as you do and she was telling me she was slightly deaf, I asked what happened to her.  Her husband had hit her deaf - she had 6 children - I said I hoped you got rid of him - oh she did.  What some women come through.  My name was called out and off I went.  

I am lucky I got the appointment so quick.  Hopefully nothing sinister will show up.

Morning smow, how's your throat now? You've probably had some virus, which would give you headache too. Hope it goes off soon. Let's Hope you get some answers from Doctor today. Good luck.

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Hey good morning. I've told my doc several times about sleep issue, but hey ho. (And MrSmow thing is not what you would expect it to be lol)

Anyway, as you say, upbeat and onwards..... work online is going very very well. It suits me perfects as I can do as long a day as I want, and when I want.... and for those who don't know I sell online - mainly bedding/household items, but for the last few months I've also randomly been having a clear out and also trying to get rid of items here that I no longer want, rather than just chucking it away. It's amazing what people will buy that you think they wouldn't lol.

Keeping busy is good, Smow ... I used to sell on E-bay but haven't done so for ages - it is amazing what people will buy - I had some old luggage labels (inherited) from different hotels, e.g. The Ritz, Paris, and they sold for about £12 each!  I just wished that I'd had more!

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My friend sells Pringles - full tubs of regular normal Pringles - on Amazon. For £12 a tube!! Plus postage! They are being bought by people from everywhere from Italy to Canada. Quite why they are paying that I don't get - couldn't believe it when he told me.

Morning Smow and everyone. Hope your appointment goes well, have you written down all you want to know, or have a medic/nurse that you know who would go with. My older son is a doctor and if  there is anything mayor goes along with us and interprets either at the time or later. It was invaluable when my husband was in ICU. Husband has an appointment with max -facs this morning so hopefully will have some answers

Have a good day everyone

Morning Smow and all. Bright and sunny here...I might actually stay in a good mood today, the weather really affects me.

Amazon isn't full of the good deals it used to have. Since covid it seems sellers are taking advantage. A shame really. Like you Smow, I don't understand why anyone pays inflated prices. 


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