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Tls 1546

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aeronut | 13:20 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

Re. 5ac Why is the answer not nutlet? This fruit is found in Madeira, which belongs to Portugal.




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Puglia - 'ugli' (fruit, in) 'P(ortugal) + a'

For others, the clue is -

Fruit found in Portugal and a part of Sicily once (6)

Question Author

Thanks, Your Majesty. Puglia is on the boot of Italy, not quite Sicily.

Wikipedia says that 'from 1130 it (Puglia) became part of theKingdom of Sicily...'

You're welcome 😊

It was once part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

Question Author

Well, that settles that. Thanks, Neveracrossword.

Thanks, aeronut - and like you, I initially thought it was a bit odd! That's why I ...investigated.

My last two- 

A widow showing fear about old service (5,8) F?O?A / ?I?C?I?G

A prolific author is teenager's introduction to reading with fluency (6) T?E?S? 


flora finching


trease (geoffrey)




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