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Good Morning (Just About! ) Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 11:12 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Couldn't post earlier (no idea why). Lovely and sunny here with a blue sky but definitely nippy! Going to go into the garden in a min to try and clear up all the palm leaves that have  blown down in the last few days. We have two really tall palms that were here when we moved in, and whenever it's windy all the dead brown  leaves blow down, and cover the patio. So that's this morns job. Later on, well MrSmow suggested the cinema, which we haven't been to for years, so just looking up what's on at the mo worth watching.

Any suggestions??



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Morning Smow and all who follow. We have just got back from having the flu and covid jabs so will likely have two sore arms. Its lovely and sunny here and the temperature is just right. When its like this it is one of my favourite times of year. I am just about to have a cup of tea and then do some housework jobs

Have a hppy day everyone


A friend came and swept up so many leaves from my garden yesterday.  She didn't want to do it as she thought it would be as bad again this morning.  But it's not, I can only see two leaves on the floor!  It's very still at the moment, nothing is moving.

I watched Eric last night, it was good.

And the sun's just come out. 😁

Morning all from sunny and windy Devon. I've got 2 hours of half price Peak Save electricity this morning so I've waited a bit longer for my coffee, the washing machine is about to go on as will be the cooker and blender as I'm making duck liver pate. Not going anywhere as I've been out the past 3 days...knees want a rest. Have a good day everyone. 

Good morning all, blue skies and sunshine here, and no rain forecast. Catching up on all the jobs I missed while I wasn't feeling well and going to do some shopping without getting wet, that will be a pleasant change. Haven't been to the cinema in years, hope you enjoy it, and I will be interested in what you end up seeing.

Bright and sunny here, washing blowing on the line.  No need to tell you all what I am doing today, same as all week.

I am actually begining to believe we will be ready by Tuesday, trouble is friends keep wanting to see us before we go.

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Glad everyone is ok! I've got washing on the line too - I'm easily pleased lol!

Pasta, you're in Devon along with Youngsmow lol - he's in Paignton. Would like to see your pate recipe...
Its been sooooo long since I went to the cinema that I'm not sure how I'll enjoy it. Do you thing everyone else will mind if I stand up and say ' Could you all pause the film whilst I nip for a wee!??'..... LOL!

Hiya Smow. I've always made chicken liver pate and just winged it. First time with duck liver so I used this recipe. I only made about half, and that gave me 3 small ramekins. Tastes 😋 😋

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Ooh thanks pasta! 

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Good Morning (Just About! ) Saturday Birds!

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