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Wholesale Olive Oil......

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DTCwordfan | 19:11 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
13 Answers

Wholesale olive oil prices set to fsll, a glut in Spain and elsewhere.... Andalusian prices from £8365 to the 4k to 5k Euros range. Anybody want to bet that the supermarket prices don't drop this much - may be 10-20% but the chain will be 'greedy'? 

There's too many fat-batardes involved....

Telegraph, page 3.



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The price of olive oil is just ridiculous. We just buy an everyday one from Aldi for cooking and suchlike and it's over £7 a bottle now.

Decent stuff is an eyewatering price.

I switched to rapeseed oil many years ago - but I do eat a lot of olives so that's good news! 

It's possible to get decent stuff for a bit less than eye-watering. I got a Puglian from aldi that's strong and peppery. Just how I like it. 500ml for less than £6. And sainsbury's does an own brand Kalamata for about £8. A little goes a long way with these.

I'm not taking bets on prices going down...same with chocolate. 

Rapeseed oil is best if cold pressed...much better quality. 

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same price in Waitrose for their brand 500cl - the 'Carapelli' Bio Italian that my sister brings back from France for me, an EVO, is £11 in Sainsbury for the same size....a lovely EVO that it is.

"Decent" depends on where you set the bar.

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true, Pasta, I picked up a bottle in my Waitrose raid earlier this week....

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You can get some decent olive oil in Lidl especially when they have their 'specials ' on.

True auntypoll...they've got a Greek I've been wanting to try.

Speaking of Greek evoo...this is lovely and intense...though the price has gone up quite a bit User Recommendationref=sr_1_5?crid=2ZZO61CFIRCHX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.unM8TAFf55jiDEElNfhQN7ESJeCRgSChwM_h_eGU55b0wlKrStMEEe3hlQVx1Eltag4m8riQxjESzq5X9VvxQvOU9xb6otkUY5r3evZhDXgv9YJfZn1a_YCyrXhlQhx_GX8vv4Vb53AsNbL7UB36BU1Xpt6trhvPqigaDGf8uyP_gSeQ9-F2GKHQ5Pum3CRKI27tkWPCLRSgV160BTpLpsmsp4pbKA38XfjBINnBLlVITu5guR2f8eaYo-CLIHNA1tyNJ4o6BSJpePFN7B0-czkEC5zIv_0rcLX-qq9b9oU.YJrYrEd0rEwlRgptW_MyWPxAU66bsK2QYIv3Md2UKig&dib_tag=se&keywords=greek%2Bolive%2Boil%2Bextra%2Bvirgin%2B500ml&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1728153349&sprefix=greek%2Bolive%2Boil%2Bextra%2Bvirgin%2B500%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-5&th=1

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I like a basic VO and a better ECO and the Carapelli does that (home-made salad dressings, like tonight) - as in the final product - C:\Users\Nick\OneDrive\Pictures\DSC_0251.JPG

The greek olive oil is one of my favourites, its not too peppery on the back of the throat. We use it in dressings and also of course with a good bread dipped in it with a bit of balsamic ( also from lidl)

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here we are, hopefully, supper tonight....

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Wholesale Olive Oil......

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