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What Exactly Does It Mean To Be Touch And Hard?

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bluefortress | 19:34 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

Is hardness and toughness a biological makeup or does it mean not giving in to fear?

For example say you have 2 people:

Person A - rarely feels afraid and is very outgoing doing daring things - they just don't feel fear that much and so can cope with a lot. 

Person B - is highly prone to anxiety. Feels highly anxious in many situations - during interviews, faints very easily during hospital visits and experiences episodes of anxiety. However they keep going, push through when they can and try not to let fear get in the way

It is clear that person A is naturally more suited to tougher activities and person B on teh outside appears to be a wimp

Is it not being prone to fear or the ability to push through which determines your toughness?



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i have never heard of touch and hard, so don't know,  have you tried urban dictionary?

Question Author

Sorry I have just noticed the error in the title, damn

Tough and hard? I guess it means different things to different people. 

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Come on curly read through the lines, Im asking for peoples opinions

Okay, don't get your knickers in a twist. In my opinion tough means resilient and "hard" means anything from unyielding / unrelenting to lacking compassion. 

I'm more type B, but I 'stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood' and keep going.  Recent example was actually mounting the steps to a stage and reading my poetry to an audience of professional poets, Arts Council types and others - my voice shook and I was scared --- but I did it.

'A coward dies a thousand deaths - a brave man - only one'.  

Well, I have  had to be brave again and again in this world. 

I would say that the 'Brave man' is a bit of a thicko t.b.h. and doesn't understand the risks.

Bravery - try Wilfrid Owen, WW1 poet - he could have stayed in UK recuperating from injuries (he was blown up), but despite that he overcame his fear and went back because 'Someone has to tell the truth'. He was killed just before the Armistice was signed.

Who is brave? 

Couldn't resist answering - from now on do your own homework!

Question Author

^ Ok fair do's.  

Its just some people are very prone to anxiety and others are not I guess I wonder, political correctness aside,  how much choice do we have in how 'tough' we are

We don't, biologically speaking - but to survive you have to cope.  It costs some people a lot more than others.

 Fear and anxiety I dont think are the same thing. A fear may be well founded. I am frightened of tigers for example.

Anxiety is often more vague and diffuse.I sometimes am not sure the reason I am feeling anxiety and sometimes the level of anxiety you feel is out of all proportion to the actual threat or problem.

People especially boys are often brought up to show fear, as by looked scared they come across as weak. Some real apparent hard cases are actually quite fearful people.It's just that they dont show it

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Yea I think fear is 'of something' whereas anxiety is more about feeling afraid whether its warranted or not. 

Did you mean that girls are brought up to show fear, or did you mean to say boys? 
I always assumed that boys were taught to hide their fear most. 

I guess person B with anxiety would possibly develop techniques to cope with anxiety/fear whereas person B might not need to. If person B ever felt fear he might then not have the tools to cope. But this is the only thing the anxious person would have going for them, if anything lol. 

blue...Why are you worried about this?

There may be a 'not' missing at 19:50.

Question Author

Athiest - general curiosity I guess, as someone who is quite neurotic and experienced periods of severe anxiety twice.

I know how much more difficult it can be to do even simple tasks in an anxious state compared to completing 'brave tasks' in a mentally stable state. 

The whole thing got me questioning what bravery actually is

I apologise for the comment about 'homework' - it came across as like that - and we do get a few.

Thanks, blue...

I don't have experience of this so I can't say anything useful.

Good luck.

Question Author

No prob, thanks for being honest

In my view "tough and hard" is an image behind which thickoes hide their inadequacies.

Just my personal opinion.

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