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Are Bakers Dozens Now A Measure From History?

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sandyRoe | 21:46 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Have they joined the flagon and the firkin in obsolescence?



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... and the florin 😀

Some kids today don't know what a dozen is.

Well then, it is up to society generally to keep these old terms going.  Otherwise a lot of older literature will become inaccessible.

Quite a bit of old literature has been tainted by the queers taking over the word gay.

How useful is the 'baker's dozen ' in everyday speech ?

as we can no longer give Tesco's a horsewhipping in the town square for skimping on the flour and yeast, there's probably no longer much use for the phrase.

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Are Bakers Dozens Now A Measure From History?

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