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How Can A Silent Killer Be Undetected For Years?

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renegadefm | 22:29 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
60 Answers

Had a bit of a shock yesterday. 

I had to have an mot at the doctor's before they would book me an appointment to see the authopedic nurse. 

The mot involves measurements of my height, weight, and blood pressure. 

So the doctor proceeded to do the blood pressure test, I didn't look at the readings as she did them, but she done 3 tests, then looked at me and said are you sure your feeling ok, to which I replied yeah I feel fine. Then she said have you ever had head aches, or feeling dizzy, pains in the chest recently, I said no none of those. 

So she went onto explain I got to give you some medicine to take when you get home, its a course of tablets because your blood pressure is high enough to trigger a stroke or heart attack. 

I think the readings on average were 172 over 93. Worse one was 163 over 100.

But it made me think how many people are walking about not realising they have high blood pressure without realising it. 

I'm not over weight or anything, I don't smoke. I only drink alcohol on my days off work. I like to think I have a balanced diet. 


Hopefully the tablets will bring it down, but its a shock to myself. 



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Rene if I was in your position I would buy a basic ONROM Blood Pressure Monitor and take a BP test regularly at home.  If you set your equipment up and sit quietly for 5 minutes and then take a reading it will probably be a lot less than one taken at the surgery.  I usually take three readings a few minutes apart.  Some surgeries will even lend you a monitor for a few...
23:22 Fri 04th Oct 2024

I think they're off-loading patients to A&E.

It's impossible to make an appointment here to have blood pressure checked or an appointment for anything else really.  At present also impossible to speak to even a receptionist!

If you are over 40 pop your postcode in here and you will find local health check providers

If you are not getting satisfactory service from your GP, file a complaint here

Our surgery has two do-it-yourself BP measuring facilities, one in reception and one in the waiting room.

If you miss salt too much, try using Lo Salt. It replaces some of the sodium chloride with magnesium chloride.


However, better to stop salting your food altogether. 


If you do it gradually you shouldn't notice, a bit like slowly reducing sugar in tea.

I have salt on everything.  My BP ok.

You're a freak mate

Next you'll be telling me not to have salt and vinegar on fish and chips. 

Following mutters about my BP - I invested in a small wrist machine and discovered that I am one of those people whose BP fluctuates a huge amount.

I definitely have'white coat syndrome'.  

In March this year I had to have a very trick hip repair op..

I entered hosp. early in in the morning (early mornings not good anyway) and my readings were sky-high - about 200/ 110 and the nurses were looking askance at me.

By the time I left they told me that they (and the computer) were not at all worried about my readings.  They had discovered for themselves that they varied inordinately. We're all different.

DP, try mayo on chips instead. 

A revelation.

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Last time I had a blood pressure check up was just before covid during a medical at work. 


It was fine then, they said nothing to worry about but then I was 50 then, now I'm 55. You'd never believe what a difference 5 years has made or can make. 

In my opinion theres something about turning 50 that for me everything started to go wrong, first my eye sight for reading, then my knees developed osteoarthritis, and now high blood pressure. 


I think personally for everyone who turns 50 regardless of fitness or weight etc should get a reminder from their GP to have an MOT. 


That said I was fine at 50, it went downhill from there, so maybe 52 a check up wouldn't hurt. But it would need to be something sent out from the GP. 

I second that, Hopkirk.  I learned in France about how lovely a good mayo is with chips.

Those Europeans do some things right.

Don't like mayo.  Probably give me high BP.

Can I just give a general warning about salt, please.  As a result of relatives (inc. OH) having heart problems; I stopped using salt in cooking (or sprinkling it, except on eggs and tomatoes) about 30 yrs. ago.

I am now suffering from too low salt and am having to take a tablet every day.  My recent broken hip replacement was caused by massive muscle cramps which twisted the liner off.  The doctors have explained to me very clearly that salt is very necessary. Cramps caused by too little salt.

So, strike a balance, please everyone. 

There is plenty of salt (probably too much) in everyday foods like bread, and even breakfast cereals. Most people take in far too much.

I'm one of the lucky ones unaffected by salt. Maybe it's genetic.

How do you know Barry?

It can cause kidney problems and kidney stones.

My GP practice does an MOT every year, but can't remember at what age they start doing this. 

I remember being told what my blood pressure should be, but they weren't taking my age into account.

Ask your GP what your blood pressure should be according to your age, and then you know whether its ok or not.

Mine should be 140/80 and to get this reading, I take a blood pressure tablet.

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