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Credit Card Payments To A Bank Account

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bednobs | 10:58 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
3 Answers

Hi I have a bill I'd like to pay by credit card.
The problem is it's an invoice for a service and the person has only provided me their bank accounts details to pay into. He assures me he can take credit cards but he just doesn't have a machine to do that. Is it possible to pay this bill by credit card?



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The only way to pay by credit card is for the trader to provide the facilities for you to do so (i.e. by means of a card machine, or by providing you with a method to give them your card details).

If you pay by bank transfer and you have the recipient's sort code and account number you simply do a transfer using them. But you can't do that with a credit card - the trader hs to provide you with the facilities to make the payment.



AS ssaid you cant pay into a Bank account with a credit card.

If the vendor can take vredit cards then they must subscribe to something like Worldpay (or their Bank).  Thats what you need.

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Credit Card Payments To A Bank Account

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