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One Rule For Tory Abers, Another For Labour Abers ?

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Canary42 | 11:24 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Isn't it odd how the Abers who used to pillory Hymie and Gulliver for their persistent attacks on the Government now flock here daily in their droves to attack the Government.

Hypocrites all.



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let it go ...people care about what they care about

There's a not so subtle difference here, canary.   None of the criticism I've seen for Starmer & Co has been manufactured.  Sadly for this country, it's all too justified.

Its fun.

Suck it up as we were constantly told.

You have left me out.  "pillory Hymie Gulliver and poor PP "- should be

usual suspects - I call them

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