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Liar Liar.

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gulliver1 | 12:03 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | News
15 Answers

Boris being grilled by Nick Ferrar was asked which was  his greatest lie Lying to the Queen about Proroguing Parliament or Lying to parliament about the Parties.After blustering and falling over his words.Mr Johnson.....eventually responded saying niether of those were lies.  ........What a liar.....






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Lying to the Queen about Proroguing Parliament 

no it has all been done before= 1962 she as told by the PM ( Super Mac) " Here is your next PM" and she said - "dont I have a say?"

and Mac he thay, and here are the Crown law officers to say I am right. DPP,SG, and AG chorus like the sheep they were " Yes he is right"

SO the Queen insturucted her own solicitors to get an independent opinion

Sir Ivor Jennings was selected ( Prof of Constitutional Law, Cge 1962) - who said well yeah they probably are...."


It's over 2 years since Boris was PM and you're still banging on about him?

To quote the Oxford dictionary: Obsessed 1[transitive, often passive] obsess somebody to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not normal.

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Think Johnson seems to have  a very short memory. He is also criticising Starmer for freebies, forgetting that Johnson and his latest wife  Carrie took donors cash for his wedding do and honeymoon holiday.And also  to re/decorate and refurbish his no 10 flat at a cost of  £52,000 Initially paid for by the tax payer.  Tory Hypocrite.

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Sinhead 12.19  It is also many many years since Winston Churchill and  Thatcher were in power but certain Abers still keep banging on about them.

Gully 💖 Boris

YMB stop copying TTT - or maybe you are TTT?

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YMB 12.40 "This is the News section not your playground"

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Sinhead 12.19 .Another reason that I like posting about the Tory Party and Boris is because I do like history .

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Maggiebee 12.46 Think someone referred to him as ToraBog recently🤣

Gully 💔Boris.

Ooh that's a perfect name for him Gully.

OK, let me think of one for you.

And no moaning when I do.

A mere terminology interpretation.

so for the 100th+ time of asking can anyone give me an example of an actual porky?

I can TTT, in the OP and 12:46.

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Liar Liar.

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