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Uk Facing Growing Threat From Islamic State, Russia And Iran

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naomi24 | 13:36 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | News
15 Answers

//The head of MI5 has said his agency has “one hell of a job” to do as the threat from Islamic State has returned while Iran and Russia engage in intensifying efforts to undertake assassination and sabotage plots in the UK.

Ken McCallum said a revival of IS in Afghanistan in particular had brought a resumption of efforts by the Islamist group to export terrorism, and a “bit of an upswing” in Britons seeking to travel abroad to learn from the group.

The spy chief said it was not the case that Israel’s ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon had led directly to an increase in terrorist plotting in the UK, though he acknowledged there had been “rising public order, hate crime and community safety challenges” that police had had to deal with.//


They seem to be making efforts to underplay the effect that the war in the Middle East is having.  That final paragraph surely is contradictory?



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Note that Russia was also named as waging a cold war against the west.

Maybe he should ask Israel if they can have a pop at IS while they're getting rest of the rest.

We are most certainlyb facing a big thret from the Islamists in this country.  Thousands of uncheck young men arriving daily, who knows who they are or what thier thoughts on the infidel are?

Add to that the home grown who are likley to start making in roads to our Government (we can see how easy it is to get control with a tiny minority of votes) and we are toast.

Still, Sharia law (soon to be here ensrined in our law by SKS) should shake up the liberals.

The last paragraph is perfectly sensible. There had not been an increase in terrorist plotting, but there had been an increase in day to day things the police had to deal with.

//There had not been an increase in terrorist plotting//

You cannot possibly know that unless you work for MI5.  And if you do then expect a knock on the door and arrest for OSA breach.

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When reporting, I'm sure that for the sake of maintaining social cohesion, efforts are made to minimise any negative aspects.

YMB, read the OP. I quoted what the MI5 head said.

calm down the apologists will be along soon to tell us they are all FBWMs (Fluffy Bunny Wonder Muzzies) who mean us no harm and we are the nasties for daring to be concerned.

The way its going what with Ukraine aswell it will become nuclear as there won't be any weapons left. 

slow replacement through the womb, here and in mainland europe, the long game.

//I quoted what the MI5 head said.//

And you think they tell you everything?

This is MI5, they lie for a living, and their lives!

It's actually a two pronged take over Fender.  The womb and the dinghy.

youngmafbog, true you could also equate the dinghys like a womb with the few women who arrive via them, but all these young men who wll be given leave to remain will ask for there families to come here as well, more wombs more possible islamists, the uk will definitely become a third world country will all the troubles that come with it.

what would you like to see done about the "womb" problem fender?

Its taken a long time to cotton on it has been hiding in plain sight thanks to the appeasers and apologists who will deny, nothing to see here.

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