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Homeless Man Who Pushed Stranger On To Tube Tracks Jailed For Life

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Clone | 18:36 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | News
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He’s obviously one of the 745,000 discussed in this thread:“He had told a psychiatrist that he went to school in Kurdistan and worked in a shop before leaving his country because of a falling out with his father.”So not what you’d say “in fear for his life or safety”, then? If every male...
20:02 Thu 10th Oct 2024

Why is he still in this country?

He should have been shipped back to Kurdistan years ago.

that was probably the idea.

A sentence of 8 years is hardly life, but if his release depends on his behaviour in prison he be could be there for a very long time.

He's got a home now, just what he wanted.  Win win situation for him.

this is the one TTT was raving about a few weeks ago wasnt it? ( are the judges joshing etcc etc? - are the prison officers pulling our legs? is the judiciare duplicating? )

Multiple assaults gave him the opportunity to stay in this country. He should have been deported after his first release from prison.

Only yesterday sandyRoe stated:

"Isn't it good that these young people, full of get up and go, and hopes to make a better life, have come here?"


And look what an illegal has done. 

He’s obviously one of the 745,000 discussed in this thread:

“He had told a psychiatrist that he went to school in Kurdistan and worked in a shop before leaving his country because of a falling out with his father.”

So not what you’d say “in fear for his life or safety”, then? If every male teenager in this country left  after falling out with their father, there’d be very few left!

“Shorsh said he lost his identity documents after being refused asylum in Germany and then France, before travelling on to the UK. He was initially housed in Yorkshire,…”

Very nice for him. I wonder how long the waiting list for social housing in Yorkshire was at that time?

“…but moved to London in late 2018.”

Where he committed  a string of offences involving violence and served half a dozen prison sentences. Yet still he remains here.

How can anybody continue to defend his absolute scandalous farce?

Refused asylum in Germany but not deported.  Just left to roam Europe at will.  Seems they're about as efficient as we are!  

//Seems they're about as efficient as we are! //

From Germany into France. For years some of us have maintained that the EeYoo had a policy of funnelling, even financing, illegal immigrants directly to the people smugglers on the coast of France. They were efficient alright. There was an obvious policy ! A policy that facilitated the destruction of the UK by overwhelming our infrastructure with criminal third world dependants. Bliar started it with an open boast and no administration has seen fit to stop the invasion. Do you ever ask yourselves why? It is not because they didn't notice is it. No    ...   it is because it is the funded policy of the one World movement that has been at work for decades, principly via the evil machination that eminate in Strasburg, and now taken up by "liberal" administration across the globe. These policies are all funded via a network being run with money supplied by the various Soros foundations. Remember Gina Miller? Soros employee.   

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