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Space X

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Maydup | 13:48 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
45 Answers

Space X have just successfully returned a rocket to the launch pad. 
An historic and incredibly impressive moment but totally unnecessary and terrifying. Unless you want to live on Mars of course. 



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NJ--not you as well. I can only suggest that you all read what the scientists are saying about space travel. I've had a bellyful of your diatribes. 

perhaps you can find us a link to what you are on about.

A potentially ground breaking achievement that could help usher in an age of reusable spacecraft, bringing down the cost of space exploration. I would like to know why Maydup thinks this achievement is "terrifying". 

TTT---Surely it's not beyond your capabilities to use a search engine, bye  again xxx

14:52 I have used a search engine but I cannot find anything that confirms what you are on about. Standard aviation does 20 million times more damage but you seem ok with that.

This reminds me of the time a user (I can't remember who) made reference Korea being an island, and when the mistake was pointed out the user referred to the person as the "geography police".

"I can only suggest that you all read what the scientists are saying about space travel."

I've read quite a bit. It causes changes in the atmosphere. The level of those changes and their effects are arguable. I wouldn't argue about them because (a) I don't know enough to propose a reasonable argument and (b) I don't care anyway.

I've taken a reasoned view that the changes can only be marginal. I've come to that conclusion when bearing in mind that China burns more than 4.5 billion tons (and rising) of coal every year and nobody seems overly concerned about that. So a few over 200 orbital rocket launches which took place in 2023 are extremely small beer.

But you firstly said "we'd probably still have our protective Atmospheric layers around the earth." so suggesting they had disappeared (and by implication in relation to this question, that rocket launches had cause them to vanish). But then went on to say that they had been damaged (implying that they are, in fact, still there).

I was simply asking which it's to be because the two statements are somewhat in opposition to each other. I wasn't being rude, unpleasant or offensive. I don't normally do rude, unpleasant or offensive.

"I've had a bellyful of your diatribes."

There's always the "off" button. 😀

I think it's fantastic news - and I also think Andres needs to dispense with the sarcasm and put her money where her mouth is - if she can.

naomi--- any sarcasm from me was in direct response to TTT who started it first. 

Andres. Do you have anything to support your claim?

What claim?

Science fiction is fast becoming science fact, apart from the planet being stripped of natural protections that is.

Judge: "I've taken a reasoned view that the changes can only be marginal. I've come to that conclusion when bearing in mind that China burns more than 4.5 billion tons (and rising) of coal every year and nobody seems overly concerned about that. So a few over 200 orbital rocket launches which took place in 2023 are extremely small beer." - also there are 22million flights a year of hours on average compared 200 rocket launches and ther are in the atmosphere for about 10 mins. So once again andres what are you talking about?

At 14.29.

^that to Andres.

andres "what claim"? Perlease! Don't be coy!  the claim that you made at 14:02 that space travel has stripped the protective layers from the atmosphere.

I have followed articles by scientists for some time now and as I said previously the information is there for everyone to see by using search engines.   e.g.---Is space travel damaging the atmospheres .  

ok well show us some links to your research then.

In the mean time what about standard aviation are you concerned about the 22 million flights per year?

I don't have any links  and yes I am concerned about the number of flights. However I am finally going  now . It's time for a brew. 

...another one who can't do links and yet seems to be  expert on how 200 10 minute space flights can strip layers of atmosphere and 22million normal flights can't. 🤕

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