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Your Answer Missing

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Daij | 16:48 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

I had some help with a Xwrd earlier and I went back into it to thank the helpers and I had no 'Your Answer' box so couldn't reply. Anyone else had this problem? 



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Daij, I think that happened with at least one other thread yesterday. In that instance, I think it had been closed by mistake - but I don't know how that would happen on a nice, normal crossword query!

Hmm, looks like this one

Perhaps a Mod can reopen it for you.

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Thanks for responding - and, as you can see, I have a 'your answer ' box this time

/// Anyone else had this problem? ///

Yes, on Clue Chain 9.

Meddling Mods presumably.

Daij, the other thread is fine now...

Canary - I've reopened the Clue Chain thread.  It wouldn't have been "meddling mods", but a simple mistake.  

Thanks Modster, it is indeed back now.

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