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Private Eye Eye Crossword 789 Sunday October 13Th 2024

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maggieriorda | 17:08 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
16 Answers

I'm getting better at these....but still struggle as you will tell.


8ac Knight heard to prepare for copulation, is overcome (8)

9ac Bishop in court case, showing group loyalty (6)

25ac Slight possibility of chef with can of nuts (3,6)

27ac Protrusion from mangled genitalia (5)

4 Superior type of southern prick going topless (4)
5 Playboy found under dead old seafarer (5)

10 Pain self-administered for as long as you live (8)

25 Operatic character missing first wild party (4)
26 Island fit-up (4)
28 Grey, say, almost before one's time (4)



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25 (P)Orgy

8 Surmount

25 Fat Chance (anagram)

27 Ledge - in the clue

27 Ledge - hidden in clue

5 Drake, old seafarer. D(dead) and Rake, playboy.

28 Earl, almost before one's time, almost Early. Earl Grey was a famous poltiician.

25 Off chance .. anagram of chef can

9 Tribal, group loyalty. B for bishop inside Trial.

10 lifespan

25 Sorry about my wrong answer!

26 Elba

4 snob

Question Author

Thank you everyone - just one more

29 Good opening for the nobility (6) g - n - r - is it gentry?


Question Author

Thanks, Mark.  See!  I'm getting the hang of it.  

Thank you so much everyone for your help.  All finished now.

Needing to be given 11 answers is not really getting the hang of it, is it?


miserere nobis!

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Private Eye Eye Crossword 789 Sunday October 13Th 2024

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