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101 Days Of Labour.....lets Take Stock Shall We.....

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ToraToraTora | 15:08 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
35 Answers

1) He has made our streets less secure by releasing thousands of criminals early.

2) He has made our borders less secure by scrapping the Rwanda plan with no deterrent. 12,000 migrants have illegally crossed the channel on his watch.

3) He has made our status on the world stage less secure by scrapping our commitment to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence by 2030.

4) His government has undermined trust in politics by accepting hundreds of thousands in donor freebies.

5) Chronic infighting has forced Keir Starmer to sack his Chief of Staff only a few months into the job.

6) Finally, but most egregiously, he's stripped Winter Fuel Payments from ten million pensioners. Forcing many into a cruel choice between heating and eating. 

Well I suppose "change" was the theme!



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Got to say Mr Starmer was all righteousness in opposition ....

No one mentioned the renters bill and it's likely/present affect on the house renting market ?

They spelt  d a z e  wrong.

For the three months July, August, September the total number of migrants detected arriving were

2023      13397

2024      11972

Data from

Has scrapping the Rwanda scheme encouraged more to come?

Naomi 15.44 "Screw anyone they can screw"  You on about Boris again.


Reading the opening post, further comments on this thread and other media this Gov, is a complete shambles, it really is shocking.

Naomi 15.44 Johnson definitely screwed Jennifer Arcuri then paid her a load of hush money.... care of the British tax payer🤣Is that what you mean by screwing.?

"Has scrapping the Rwanda scheme encouraged more to come?"


A reasonable conclusion would be that the Rwanda scheme had seen the numbers of illegal immigrants going down; but now it no longer exists it can't do that anymore and those put off will reconsider their decision. So yes, probably.

Hope Sir Keir brings Michelle Mone back to the UK to stand trial for the £20 Million she and her husband screwed the tax payer for, also Matt Hancock another screwer in more ways than one.Bring them to justice.

All I want is one of the hard left on this site to admit Tuat Starmer taking all these freebies from a crony ain't great. 

I'm bothered in them condemning him, I just want them to have a tiny bit of integrity to admit what he's done is wrong.

I'm *not* bothered...

Naomi..Johnson also screwed the public into voting for him when he promised to build 40 new hospitals for them.. How many did he build ..None .. You were Screwed by him also..OK.

are they intending to tax offshore residents like you gulliver? From what I have learned is that you will still continue to get your WFA - disgraceful that this is.

I'm going to attempt to get an answer to a question from Gulliver.


He's never answered a single question, but here goes...


Was it right or wrong for Starmer to accept all the freebies he's had?


It is literally a yes or no answer - couldn't be easier.

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