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Eu Country Considers Ban On Cousin Marriage

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fender62 | 21:37 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
12 Answers

is the eu suddenly waking up to this practice, should have been banned years ago, won't happen here though, more reason for migrants to make there way here.



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Tricky.  Occasional marriages between cousins have happened  here for many years - but they were occasional.

From personal knowledge, the Pakistani immigrant community around Bradford fostered cousin marriages, even importing cousins, over many years.

I remember visiting a 'special needs' school - it was supposed to be exclusively for deaf children - and it was rammed full of multiply-handicapped Pakistani children; deafness was one of their problems so they'd been shoved in there.  The staff were in despair - this was in the 1990s.

As I say, tricky. Do we forbid it or permit the occasional cousinly marriage?  It would have to be one or the other, I feel.

On balance, I would vote for the greatest good of the greatest number and forbid it.

I've heard that there is a high rate of defects among the children of consanguineous cousins. I did read an article not that long ago and it's rife among African people living in this country. I would say forbid it too.

My aunt married her cousin in the 1930s.Both English . Perfectly  legal as it  still is here. Marriage between cousins is not really advisable as curlyfries has just pointed out because  the children might have deformities. Out of the five children my aunt and uncle had --one had speech problems, one had epilepsy and the third had St.Vitus' Dance.


Would it mean compulsory DNA tests before every marriage? What about civil partnerships? 

It wouldn't stop first cousins living together and having babies - and if they did could a court prevent them marrying? 

My instinct is to ban it, but I can't see how it could be enforced.  Would the couple be asked if they are cousins, and would them saying no be enough? 

My cousins' parents surnames are different to my parents surnames.

"My instinct is to ban it, but I can't see how it could be enforced."

Simple enough to make it illegal. Just extend the law of incest to include first cousins (as some countries do).

As with most such offences, difficult to enforce.


Neighbours of mine from many years ago were cousins and they got married when they were in their  late 50's.

No children to be had there, so would there have to be amendments?

NJ, unless they admitted they were cousins how would the authorities know?

It may not be enforceable but just that fact that it would be illegal could act as a significant deterrent.

It causes issues.  Should be banned.


//It wouldn't stop first cousins living together and having babies //

And currentn law doesnt stop fathers having babies with their daughters.  So should we bin current incest laws?

It is much easier to identify a parent/child relationship than cousins, that is the point I am making.  If the couple don't declare it before they get married, how would officialdom know?

The proposal is to make marriage between cousins illegal, not having sex and babies.

//The proposal is to make marriage between cousins illegal, not having sex and babies.//

So why did you use it in an argument then>

//It wouldn't stop first cousins living together and having babies//

//The proposal is to make marriage between cousins illegal, not having sex and babies.//

I would think that in those cultures where this is most common the object of such marriages IS to have sex & make babies!

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