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Another Hospital Bombed

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Untitled | 12:52 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | News
48 Answers

israel has bombed another hospital in gaza without providing any evidence that "militants" were present... the explosion caused a huge fire in which a several patients burned to death





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Is your anti-semitism not getting a wee bit out of hand now Untitled?

How coould they provide evidence?  What evidence do you want.  We know the terrorists dig themselves in among civilians.

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In this video ynna you can see patients burning alive...

no militants or hamas soldiers have been identified among them

what are your thoughts?

Goebells would be proud of that"reportage"hun.

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they might for instance have named the militants they killed naomi as they did with nasrallah... they might have givem some kind of indication why they thought these supposed militants were in that particular location and why everyone in their vicinity therefore deserved to die a horrible death.

i reckon there weren't any. i reckon they just did it to kill people. 

If they need no evidence, would it be okay for the military to bomb hospitals at random, in the hope of killing some terrorists by chance?

Perhaps the next time the Hamas or Hezbollah terrorists launch an unprovoked attack on the Jewish people they might stop to think beforehand about the thousands they have"killed"indirectly.Scum bastrads.


My thoughts are that war is war and for the sake of the world, I would far rather Israel survives than be ousted by the Islamic state that Hamas and its cohorts intend.

If only the Hamas terrorists had thought before they launched their unprovoked attack,then about 50,000 innocent people would still be alive.

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is there anything at all that israel could possibly do that you would consider too far naomi? 

if only Hamas stayed in bed on 7/10 olr released the hostages or surrendered.

I'll let you know if they do it, untitled.  Would you like to see Israel replaced by an Islamic state?

Here's a question how did Hamas know the reaction from  academia and mainstream media, for their attack on October 7th. as they where fully aware what Israels reaction would be that they couldn't beat the IDF. And we will still have protests on the streets just asking.

^They've already said its their intention to wipe israel off the map

Thats replying to naomi

Hamas knew what would happen, they did it anyway. They enjoyed their rampage. Their people and other civilians paid for their arousal with their lives. End of.

Indeed, webbo - as have Hezbollah and various other Islamic terrorist organisations.

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"Would you like to see Israel replaced by an Islamic state?"

no i would not. i would however like to see the unjust occupation of gaza the west bank and the golan heights by israel to come to an end. 

"I'll let you know if they do it, untitled.  "

then your answer is "no". 

So,as i asked at 12.59,is there no end to your anti-semitism,your hatred of the Jewish people,your support(tacitly)of the Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists?

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