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Another Hospital Bombed

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Untitled | 12:52 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | News
52 Answers

israel has bombed another hospital in gaza without providing any evidence that "militants" were present... the explosion caused a huge fire in which a several patients burned to death





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and regardless of anything at all they might do too. 

a dark statement indeed. 


Do you fully support the ongoing Israeli land theft on the West Bank ?

You can read some bigotry displayed here.  I do believe some  would support a final solution if Israel proposed one.

Untitled, do get a grip.  Your question is not only hypothetical - it's utterly meaningless.  

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i think you are quite right sandy

Ok lets turn it on its head shall we. What should Israel have done in response to the attrocities of 7th Oct?

Question Author

assassinated the leaders 

stop pouring hundreds of millions into hamas

support peaceful palestinian factions like fatah and allow the west bank to unify with gaza

end the blockade

Untitled, which bit of Hamas and like-minded terrorist groups are determined upon the complete annihilation of Israel don't you understand?

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i understand it naomi. but hamas does not have the power they do because of their ideology... there are plenty of insignificant groups who believe the same thing. what differentiates hamas is that they have been propped up by Israel for years and they are able to thrive on the anger and suffering caused by very real Israeli oppression of palestinians. without those two things they would seriously struggle to hold onto power and would not be a credible threat. 

I imagine they are not getting any funding now. How will the rest of that stop them wanting and being able to kill jews and do their best wipe Israel of the map?

Question Author

by removing the reasons that some people support or fight for them. the present campaign will either leave everybody in gaza dead or it will end with hamas considerably strengthened. 

Hamas is not alone, untitled.  You under-estimate them.

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