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Unemployed Could Get Weight Loss Jabs To Return To Work

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naomi24 | 12:29 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | News
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It may do for some, Naomi. And even if it doesn't get lots back to work, it would lessen their chances of Diabetes 2 and maybe relieve that little bit more pressure on the NHS.

Of course, these aren't magic injections. Those receiving them will have to eat sensibly and do some sort of physical exercise - even if it's only walking round the block a few times.

Until they stop taking it and claim compensation for imagined side effects

There are going to turn out to be side effects of these drugs. 

To be made or encouraged to take them opens up future huge claims.

Sadly that will probably be the case Barry.

I might be cabbage looking but I'm not green

I've not read the article yet, but there's already reports of side effects for Wegovy and Ozempic type drugs.

As already said, this may work for some. But the reasons behind why someone is obese need to be tackled. 

It wont alter anyones mindset to there eating habits, and i doubt they will be interested in having the injections when the only reward will be fit for work. Planning permission for any more Greggs and McDonalds and trash take aways might be a better direction, for a start anyway. Treating a self inflicted problem with medication is just looney.

Yes...its self inflicted. But,have you any idea how much modern "food"...I use that term engineered to be almost addictive and super palatable? So many good and natural ingredients are replaced with cheap fillers and replacements. All to sell more cheaper.

I agree, Pasta. Apart from pasta why don't eat anything my grandparents wouldn't recognise.  Might cook in a different way with spices etc but the same basics

Isn't this weight discrimination? What they are effectively saying is you're too fat to work.

Eat sensibly and move about abit

Webbo it is not as easy as 'eat less move more'

Sure you will get some that say that is all it takes and you will have a lot more that says no it takes more.

Personally, I do not think it is the answer as there is a group of unemployed that will alway find a reason not too work.

Vulcan, maybe it's the fat people who are saying they are too fat to work?

It is discrimination but not in the way you imply. Many employers simply will not employ the morbidly obese not necessarily because they believe fat people are lazy but the stats show they are more likely to take sick leave and have long term health problems that impacts on productivity 

It'll work for a while then the jab becomes the new norm and the body starts putting it back. Same reason diets are temporary.

Sausage roll hoovers over diabetics?

There's already been one shortage, this looks like another coming down the track.

I don't suppose this will be part of the rolling cuts in everything but an essential reaction to a public health emergency.

Sickbag please.

Based on my research, these weight loss injections act as appetite suppressants and are typically prescribed alongside a diet plan. Simply suppressing appetite is futile if, when hunger strikes, one resorts to junk food. This represents a significant misuse of NHS funds.

What does your research consist of?

Lazy fat b*****ds getting summat for nowt again.

//Unemployed Could Get Weight Loss Jabs To Return To Work//

Most of em will need a bag of wizz as well to get any action out of em.  

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