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How Long Does It Alibaba

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JinnyJoan | 02:03 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

To send their order - thanks



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the others have said it all really.  I honestly can't understand why you are so set onthis solution JJ (not that you have to care what others do or dont understand)

you could get a rented stairlift in inside a week!

and if you are stuggling to get upstairs atm, are you really getting up them faster than a stairlift would?

Could this make the property practically unsellable?


well, i cant work out if jj is planning to have it inside or out but presumably she wont care about re-sale value because she plans to live there for the rest of her life

It also suggests online that an outside loo/shower extension may need to apply to comply with building regulations. Again I don't know any of this, and NI may be different, but hopefully those that do on here and in your real life do and will have advised you...

Surely those pods are designed to be fitted inside...I can't envisage them outside at all.

A good blower heater in a bathroom would be very dangerous in my opinion

It would be the same as putting a standard shower cubicle in the garden.  Freezing cold, impossible to heat, frozen and burst pipes. 

The advert does say it's for inside/outside but I don't think they have a backyard in Belfast in mind. backyard 

This is a step by step photographic illustration of an actual installation of an understairs loo. It's got to be far more practical and cheaper that what jj is considering. 

I hope she sees this.,kept%20low%20in%20this%20regard

OG it's the website that starts with "Ali" and ends in "express" that is censored. 

Ah different Ali.


 jj's----If your  main problem with a stairlift is that you might not reach the loo in time  why don't you have a toilet fitted under the stairs where it would be easier to get to in time and leave the shower or bath where it is? Then you can have your a bath or shower wheneveryou like. Seems a very expensive and disruptive proceedure that you are looking at. 

I know absolutely nothing about bathroom plumbing, so I'm definitely not making any recommendations here.  However, for completeness, here's what's on offer through the Chinese portal that I've used many times without problems (and which AB won't allow me to mention directly).  I've only ever purchased relatively low-value items from there though; I've no knowledge at all of how things might work out for major purchases:

I share the concerns of Prudie and others, installing such a pod in the garden seems fraught with difficulties and possible hazards.

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I was going to say goodbye but I'll stay for another wee while.

Jinny, why were you going to say goodbye, everyone is being so helpful trying to sort out your bathroom?

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