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There Are Some Nasty B'stards Out There.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:11 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | News
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Sadly, i doubt you'll get your wish, TTT. A life sentence for manslaughter isn't the norm.

Obviously this is tragic.

However, I can' help thinking whenever I read anything like this that parents have a role to play.

This girl was 12. Yet she was taking indecent photographs of herself and sending them to some creep she'd encountered online.  I'm sorry but the people caring for children like this must bear some responsibility for what happens.

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Yes judge but sadly the problem is that the kids are often more tech savvy than the parents and the parents don't know what they are up to online and who they are interacting with.

Then buy them a basic phone with no internet capability.

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yes that would be a good idea.

Children need laptop or tablet for schoolwork these days, both of which can take selfies.

Children are also being targeted on game consoles. 

I can't understand parents who buy their children 18 rated games or allow their children to lie about their age to access social media and other websites 


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There Are Some Nasty B'stards Out There.....

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