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The K M Links Game - October 2024 Week 3

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seekeerz | 03:27 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
28 Answers

Good morning everyone - today is fine and sunny, a bit on the cool side but a vast improvement on the past few days, thunderstorms and hot nights and a nasty taste of summer to come....not nice !!

the links are -





As always, everyone is very welcome to join in - just be sure to post your entry before midnight Sunday and after posting please check back to see your entry does appear.

Another month is flying by - I truly cannot believe how fast this year has gone by ...something to do with getting older, they tell me ....yuck what an awful thought and on that happy note - Good Luck to Us All...



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Grab Bars

Yellow Hammer

Night Fall

Fish Bowl

Handle bars
Yellow river
Starry night
Gold fish






Public Bars 

Yellow Jackets 

Night Mare 

Fish Sauce 


Hi Steff, Rain in the morning.Some sunshine in the afternoon and more rain tomorrow.Typical weekend weather. That's enough moaning.Now to the important part. Here are our suggestions. My wife's first: GOLD BARS, YELLOW SUBMARINE, SILENT NIGHT, FISH TANK. Now my own: PRISON BARS, YELLOW SAFFRON, NIGHT WATCH, JELLY FISH. Have a relaxing Sunday and a pleasant week.


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I'll try

Prison Bars

Yellow Hammer

night Jar

Gold Fish

Crow bars,mellow yellow,night mares,fish cakes

Prison BARS

YELLOW hammer


FISH tail

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The K M Links Game - October 2024 Week 3

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