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Do I Need To Be Ashamed Of Myself?

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abbeylee90 | 15:07 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
82 Answers

feel really down st times as I am 32 still living at home and no full time job.

Do I need to be ashamed of myself just feel like I'm on my own.



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Think he to shy to eat infront of me

A shy policeman?  Well, that must be a first.

// think he to shy to eat in front of me//

What's that got to do with the price of fish?

A little limerick to brighten your day :-

A policeman from Banbury Junction😀Had a willy which just wouldn't function😀This fact from his wife😀He concealed all his life😀By intelligent use of his truncheon 

Probably wise not to bring this to the attention of your policeman friend.

//Do I Need To Be Ashamed Of Myself//

No you don't, but you do need to take control.

Make a decision that you can live with, it's your life, your choice.

Go for it girl, be brave for once in your life!!

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Canary bringing my attention to police man friend?

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Don't know what to do tbh

abbey, canary's post was a light-hearted joke.  

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Oh I see.

That the one who asked me to go to his after a night out a while back.

Is it the same "policeman" who asked you what you were wearing? Just be careful that's all. ...

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Yeah to the date.

Perhaps he was asking what she was wearing so he could recognise her at the date?

DDIL. Hope so, although he has her pic on dating app I think.

clementino - don't worry we will hear all about it.

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He hasn't asked this time 

I am a grandmother hen! 😊

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Maybe dating apps are not for me anymore.

Any sight of him yet ?

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No I haven't heard

Are you where he said to meet?

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