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Trump Wanted Generals Like Hitler Had

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Untitled | 22:16 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
88 Answers

according to john kelly who was his chief of staff

kamala harris has called him a fascist who desires unchecked power and a military who is loyal to him and not the country

how refreshing to see a politician call this demented old man what he is! 



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I haven't got your patience Atheist. Perhaps because I've tried reasoning with eejits before and got nowhere.

Good luck though.

Thanks for a civil reply, DD.

//Tomus - are you drunk? //

No. Just sick and tired of trying to reason with eejits. 

Feb 2025 can't come soon enough.

jesus you deserve a sticker for your fridge

The usual suspects say something. No they didnt they said something else but quite near. And it is hearsay - no it isnt it is a LIE! - another says - yes ( or no) - it is both a lie and hearsay

thank god no one knows what  the hearsay  rule is. 

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it is a fact that john kelly said this and yes i consider him a trustworthy source on this particular issue... i wrote "according to john kelly" in the OP and on page one. i did not think i had to keep adding it when writing what was obviously my opinion about the veracity... i'm sorry but you're being a bit stupid. you're obviously quite annoyed that kelly has said this for some reason. 

They do go quiet after a while. Don't take it personally.

11.28pm - you seem to be wilfully missing my point. At least I hope it's wilful, because if it isn't....crikey. 

They tried their best with racist, racist, racist, that was a failure so now it's Nazi, nazi, nazi



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