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Spectator 2677

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PiffPoff | 11:38 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Finished...I think. Can anyone explain the theme ("What's in a name?") and the relation of the unclued lights to one another?



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possibly from the preamble "look" at the characters/letters from "The Spectator" ..not sure about the title though??

all the unclued answers can be formed from the letters of "The Spectator"

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Ahhh. Thank you!

but 24a could be hectare or restore

1d poster or porter

whhich do you think?

You then have to work out the correct ones quinol by eliminating letters from the phrase in the preamble for all the others and the letters you have left will give you the correct inputs

I have thrown away my answer sheet, but from a hazy  memory there are two "h"s that have to be fitted in the unclued's unchecked or mutually checked boxes. One is used in the second row butthe second one must be in hectare

thank you jj, but the 2nd h is in 19down so I go for restore and porter - I'm not sure I have enough 't's but oh well...

quinol - the h in 19d is not unchecked or mutually crosschecked - rashest is an ordinary clue

Many thanks jj, now to puzzle out porter/poster

I've gone through my waste-paperbasket, found my copy and I make it "poster"

There are 3 "S"s to fit. 23d and 36d have 2, but the thirdhas to be 1d 


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Spectator 2677

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